Journal Articles
Smith, J.G., and H.L. Throop. 2018. Animal generation of green leaf litter in an arid shrubland enhances decomposition by altering litter quality and location. Journal of Arid Environments 151:15-22.
Hewins, D.B., R.L. Sinsabaugh, S.R. Archer, and H.L. Throop. 2017. Soil-litter mixing and microbial activity mediate decomposition and soil aggregate formation in sandy soil shrub-invaded Chihuahuan Desert grassland. Plant Ecology 218:459-474.
Throop, H.L., M.A. Salem, and W.G. Whitford. 2017. Fire enhances litter decomposition and reduces vegetation cover influences on decomposition in a dry woodland. Plant Ecology 218:799-811.
Joly, F.X., K.L. Kurupas, and H.L. Throop. 2017. Pulse frequency and soil-litter mixing alter the control of cumulative precipitation over litter decomposition. Ecology 98:2255-2260.
Kardol, P., H.L. Throop, J. Adkins, M.-A. de Graaff. 2016. A hierarchical framework for studying the role of biodiversity in soil food web processes and ecosystem services. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 102: 33-36.
DeMarco, J., T. Filley, and H.L. Throop. 2016. Patterns of woody plant-derived soil carbon losses and persistence after brush management in a semi-arid grassland. Plant and Soil 406:277-293.
Hewins, D.B. and H.L. Throop. 2016. Leaf litter decomposition is rapidly enhanced by the co-occurrence of monsoon rainfall and soil-litter mixing across a gradient of coppice dune development in the Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 129:111-118.
Simkin, S.M., E.B. Allen, W.D. Bowman, C.M. Clark, J. Belnap, M.L. Brooks, B.S. Cade, S.L. Collins, L.H. Geiser, F.S. Gilliam, S.E. Jovan, L.H. Pardo, B.K. Schulz, C.J. Stevens, K.N. Suding, H.L. Throop, and D.M. Waller. 2016. Conditional vulnerability of plant diversity to atmospheric nitrogen deposition across the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 113:4086-4091.
Barnes, P.W., H.L. Throop, S.R. Archer, D.D. Breshears, R.L. McCulley, and M.A. Tobler. 2015. Sunlight and soil-litter mixing: Drivers of litter decomposition in drylands. Progress in Botany 76:273-302.
de Graaff, M.-A., J. Adkins, P. Kardol, and H.L. Throop. 2015. A meta-analysis of soil biodiversity impacts on the carbon cycle. SOIL 1:257-271. OPEN ACCESS
Monger, H.C., O.E. Sala, M. Duniway, H. Goldfus, I.A. Meir, R.M. Poch, H.L. Throop, and E.R. Vivoni. 2015. Legacy effects in dryland ecological and soil-geomorphic systems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 13:13-19. OPEN ACCESS
Okin, G.S., M. Moreno-de las Heras, P.M. Saco, H.L. Throop, E.R. Vivoni. A.J. Parsons, J. Wainwright, and D.P.C. Peters. 2015. Connectivity in dryland landscapes: Shifting concepts of spatial interactions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 13:20–27. OPEN ACCESS
Soliveres, S., D.J. Eldridge, J. Mueller, F. Hemmings, and H.L. Throop. 2015. On the interaction between tree canopy position and environmental effects on soil attributes and plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 26:1030-1042.
Wang, L., H.L. Throop, and T. Gill. 2015. A novel method to continuously monitor litter moisture – a microcosm-based experiment. Journal of Arid Environments. 115:10-13.
de Graaff, M.-A., H.L. Throop, P.S.J. Verburg, J.A. Arnone III, and X. Campos. 2014. A synthesis of climate change and elevated atmospheric CO2 impacts on biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen in shrub-dominated drylands. Ecosystems 17:931-945.
Lee, H., J. Fitzgerald, D.B. Hewins, R.L. McCulley, S.R. Archer, T. Rahn, and H.L. Throop. 2014. Soil moisture and soil-litter mixing effects on surface litter decomposition: A controlled environment assessment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 72:123-132.
Daryanto, S., D.J. Eldridge, and H.L. Throop. 2013. Managing semi-arid woodlands for carbon storage: grazing and shrub effects on above- and belowground carbon. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 169:1-11.
Hewins, D.B., S.R. Archer, G.S. Okin, R.L. McCulley, and H.L. Throop. 2013. Soil-litter mixing accelerates decomposition in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland. Ecosystems 16:183-195.
Throop, H.L., K. Lajtha, and M. Kramer. 2013. Density fractionation and 13C reveal changes in soil carbon following woody encroachment in a desert ecosystem. Biogeochemistry 112:409-422.
Barnes, P.W., H.L. Throop, D.B. Hewins, M.L. Abbene, and S.R. Archer. 2012. Soil coverage reduces photodegradation and promotes the development of soil-microbial films on dryland leaf litter. Ecosystems 15:311-321.
Lee, H., T. Rahn, and H.L. Throop. 2012. An accounting of C-based trace gas release during abiotic plant litter degradation. Global Change Biology 18:1185-1195.
Lee, H., T. Rahn, and H.L. Throop. 2012. A novel source of atmospheric H2: Abiotic degradation of organic material. Biogeosciences 9:4411-4419. OPEN ACCESS
Smith, J.G., D.J. Eldridge, and H.L. Throop. 2012. Landform and vegetation patch type moderate the effects of grazing-induced disturbance on carbon and nitrogen pools in a semi-arid woodland. Plant and Soil 360:405-419.
TThroop, H.L., S.R. Archer, H.C. Monger, and S.W. Waltman. 2012. When bulk density methods matter: Implications for estimating soil organic carbon pools in rocky soils. Journal of Arid Environments 77:66-71.
Throop, H.L., L.G. Reichmann, O.E. Sala, and S.R. Archer. 2012. Response of dominant grass and shrub species to water manipulation: An ecophysiological basis for shrub invasion in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland. Oecologia 169:373-383.
Funk, J.L. and H.L. Throop. 2010. Enemy release and plant invasion: patterns of defensive traits and leaf damage in Hawaii. Oecologia 162:815-823.
Nafus, A.M., M.P. McClaran, S.R. Archer and H.L. Throop. 2009. Multi-species allometric models predict grass biomass in a semi-desert rangeland. Rangeland Ecology and Management 62:68-72.
Throop, H.L. and S.R. Archer. 2009. Resolving the dryland decomposition conundrum: Some new perspectives on potential drivers. Progress in Botany 70:171-194.
Throop, H.L. and S.R. Archer. 2008. Shrub (Prosopis velutina) encroachment in a semi-desert grassland: spatial-temporal changes in soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools. Global Change Biology 14:2420-2431.
Throop, H.L. and S. Archer. 2007. Interrelationships among shrub encroachment, land management and leaf litter decomposition in a semi-desert grassland. Ecological Applications 17:1809-1823.
Throop, H.L. 2005. Nitrogen deposition and herbivory affect biomass production and allocation in an annual plant. Oikos 111:91-100.
Fay, P.A. and H.L. Throop. 2005. Branching responses in Silphium integrifolium (Asteraceae) following mechanical or gall damage to apical meristems and neighbor removal. American Journal of Botany 92:954-959.
Funk, J.L., C.G. Jones, D.W. Gray, H.L. Throop, L.A. Hyatt, and M.T. Lerdau. 2005. Variation in isoprene emission from Quercus rubra: sources, causes, and consequences for estimating fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research 110(D4), D04301.
Throop, H.L., E.A. Holland, W.J. Parton, D.S. Ojima, and C.A. Keough. 2004. Effects of nitrogen deposition and herbivory on ecosystem-level carbon and nitrogen dynamics: results from the CENTURY model. Global Change Biology 10:1092-1105.
Throop, H.L. and M.T. Lerdau. 2004. Effects of nitrogen deposition on insect herbivory: implications for community and ecosystem processes. Ecosystems 7:109-133.
Lerdau, M. and H.L. Throop. 2000. Sources of variability in isoprene emission and photosynthesis in tropical tree species. Biotropica 32:670-676.
Lerdau, M. and H.L. Throop. 1999. Isoprene emission and photosynthesis in a tropical wet forest canopy: implications for model development. Ecological Applications 9:1109-1117.
Throop, H.L. and P.A. Fay. 1999. Effects of fire, browsers, and gallers on New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus herbaceous) growth and reproduction. American Midland Naturalist 141:51-58.
Hinman, K.E., H.L. Throop, K.L. Adams, A.J. Dake, K. McLauchlan, and M.J. McKone. 1997.Predation by free-ranging birds on partial coral snake mimics: the importance of ring width and color. Evolution 51:1011-1014.
Other Publications
Marufu, V.J., M. Hitila, M. Donner, K.T. Iita, K.E. Iyambo, S.N. Khalili, T.U. Kamburona, M.M. Liyeke, P.V.I. Mundilo, S.N. Nuuyuni, J.I. Shimwafeni, V. Tjituka, R.S. Tshikesho, M.K. Seely, and H.L. Throop. 2016. Rapid soil respiration responses simulated rainfall along the Namib Desert climate gradient. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 64:103-120.
Throop, H.L., K.E. Mabry, S.J. McCauley, and K.D. Glazewski. 2013. A response to Lockwood, Reiners, and Reiners. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 11:525-526. public PDF This is a response to The future of ecology: a collision of expectations and desires?, which assesses job satisfaction of female and male ecologists. Our response discusses flaws in data analysis and interpretation of LRR. And, we reanalyze data to show that there are not gender differences in what ecologists enjoy most (field work and data analysis) and least (oral communication, management, and “other”).
Clark, C.M., Y. Bai, W.D. Bowman, J.M. Cowles, M.E. Fenn, F.S. Gilliam, G.K. Phoenix, I. Siddique, C.J. Stevens, H.U. Sverdrup, and H.L. Throop. 2013. Nitrogen deposition and terrestrial biodiversity in S. Levin (ed) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Second Edition. Vol. 5, pp. 519-536. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.
Throop, H.L. 2009. Review of: Ecology of the Shortgrass Steppe: A Long-Term Perspective (W.K. Laurenroth & I.C. Burke, eds). Journal of Vegetation Science 20:971-972.
Throop, H.L. 2008. Shifting rangeland mineral resource limitations: Ecological responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Proceedings of the International Rangeland Congress/International Grassland Congress: Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World. 1:287-291. (invited for keynote address at the Congress).
Throop, H.L. 2005. Review of: The Nature of Plants: Habitats, Challenges, and Adaptations (J. Dawson and R. Lucas). Quarterly Review of Biology 80:480.
Throop, H.L. 2003. Review of: The Ecology of Trees in the Tropical Rainforest (I. Turner). Quarterly Review of Biology 78(1):112-113. Please send an e-mail request for pdf to: heather.throop@asu.edu
Throop, H.L. 2003. Review of: Plants (I. Ridge, ed.). Quarterly Review of Biology 78(2):237.
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